Oral presentation slots will be 15 minutes long. Presenters should plan on talking for ten minutes followed by five minutes of discussion. Slides should be prepared in PowerPoint format and uploaded to the conference computer in the morning of the day the presentation is scheduled. Please review the conference schedule to learn your placement.
For poster presenters, we will be using two-sided poster boards that are 4 feet high by 8 feet wide (120 by 240 cm), and there will be two posters on each side. This means that you should have posters not exceeding 4' (120 cm) in width to prevent overlap. They can be a little higher than 4' if need be, but that will mean that they will hang down over the poster stand's lower edge, so it may also be advisable to keep them at 4'/120 cm height. Push pins to attach your posters will be provided. Upon arrival, you will find numbered labels attached to each board; these labels reference each presenters poster number. Please refer to the Conference Schedule to find your poster number.
Posters should be put up in the morning of Friday 6/21 and taken down by the end of the conference on Sunday 6/23. Presenters should plan to be present to discuss their posters during the poster sessions starting at 5:00 pm Friday and Saturday.
Registration is now closed